A Guide to Surgery and Procedures

We perform many surgeries and procedures at both our Holland Park & Carina Clinics. As well as any elective surgeries such as desexing of pets we perform an array of other procedures:

  •  lump removals for benign and malignant cancers
  • hernia repairs
  • wound repairs
  • ear haematomas
  • orthopaedic surgery Eg anterior cruciate repairs
  • cystotomy and removal of bladder stones
  • exploratory laparotomies and other abdominal surgeries such as enterotomies for bowel obstruction
  • eye and eyelid surgery

Once a procedure is scheduled we will email out instructions prior and close to the day of the procedure. We have a copy of Pre-Anaesthetic and Pre-procedure Information and Guide set out below.

On the evening prior to your pet’s anaesthesia please feed prior to 7pm and then remove all food items. Your pet may have free access to water only overnight but please remove water early on the morning of surgery. A bath in the few days leading up to surgery is also desirable, as well as a good walk that morning to allow toileting to occur before admission.

ADMISSION on the day.

Admissions are between the hours of 8.00am and 9.30am.

On Admission we will ask you to read and sign a consent for anaesthesia and surgery form which also includes an estimate of costs associated with the procedure. It is important that we are able to contact you throughout the day and would ask you to check that the contact phone numbers we have are still current. Your pet will then be admitted into the hospital where it will be examined by a veterinarian and given a “premed” to reduce stress prior to surgery. At this time we would also recommend a pre-anaesthetic blood screen in order to help identify any underlying medical conditions which may impact on your pets anaesthesia and recovery. We should have already enclosed some information by email on the benefits of this blood screen for you perusal. As part of the admission paperwork you will be asked to indicate your wishes in regards to this blood test.  If you have any questions please ask us at the time of admission. We want to be sure that you have a thorough understanding of the procedure, the outcomes and the expectations post-operatively.  


Usually the same day for routine procedures. On some occasions, the next day. 

We would encourage you to call the clinic after 3 pm to arrange a time for discharge. We will endeavour to have a veterinarian personally go over any medications and aftercare required but on some occasions one of our experienced vet nurses will perform the discharge. The surgical vet will usually have already phoned you soon after the finish of the procedure and if not able to discharge your pet personally will be more than happy to schedule a time for follow up.  Printed post-operative  notes and instructions will be provided.

Once back at home, it is important your pet be kept warm in a quiet and confined area inside, where they can be observed from time to time, especially overnight until they are recovered from the drowsiness of the anaesthesia.  In most cases they can be given access to water and a small meal later that evening if they are up to it. If your pet has a wound or bandage it is important that it be kept clean and dry and your pet kept quiet and confined. It is important wounds and bandages are not licked or chewed and often an Elizabethan collar or modified bucket is required to prevent this.

Please ensure your pet is able to eat and drink with this on. If you are at all concerned with your pets’ condition or state of the surgical site please do not hesitate to call us. If your pet appears to be in pain, please call us. On most occasions we will have administered an injection for post-operative pain control at the time of the surgery. We also may dispense further medication for pain control.

DO NOT give your pet any human pain killers or anti-inflammatories as many of these are extremely toxic to animals. Some pets may require an extended period of restricted exercise after surgery – for example after anterior cruciate surgery.

Please do not hesitate to call us if you have any questions or concerns either prior to, or after surgery. We will usually schedule a revisit for monitoring the post-operative recovery. If stitches are present these are usually removed at a free visit about 10 to 14 days post-surgery. 
